1000-petals-yoga-mat 1000-petals-yoga-mat 1000-petals-yoga-mat

1000 Petals


Kathy Flaminio is the founder of , a well-being training and consulting company based on the science and practice of mindfulness, movement and social-emotional learning.

1000 Petals’s mission is to inspire, train and support youth, educators, mental health professionals, therapists and families. She is the creator of  yoga-based sequencing for self-regulation, focus, and overall well-being.  

Move Mindfully translates the latest brain science into simple breathing, movement and rest practices that foster self-regulation, co-regulation and self-compassion. We offer workshops, products and residencies to support community mental, physical and emotional well-being.

When you purchase this beautifully fluid yoga mat a portion of your purchase goes to 1000 Petals and helps them empower schools, hospitals and therapeutic settings to establish mindfulness and movement practices into their environments.

Achieve a sense of safety, stability, and connection with your mind, body, and heart as you practice on this vibrant yoga mat and “just be”.